Title: TEAM RIP Dominating IN BF4 NEED a few MORE !!! Post by: rip|Ripper on March 22, 2016, 05:05:35 PM needs:
1 chopper pilot 1 Plane Pilots 2 tankers 1 commander 2 infantry TeamRIP is a veteran, multi-gaming clan. FPS is the core activity but we now also have Racing, SW:ToR and casual forays into other genres, on the side. Despite the inevitable ups and downs gaming communities tend to have, TeamRIP has always weathered the storm. We encourage a mature (18 and up), but relaxed and fun environment. In any game we play going for the win is a given, but we try not forget - it is a game, have fun! been around 14 years since bf1942 demo days!! Add Me origin: ripper2323 steam:ripper161 Title: Re: TEAM RIP Dominating IN BF4 NEED a few MORE !!! Post by: HEINRICH II on July 30, 2016, 12:34:30 PM Applying for the Chopper Pilot position.
Title: Re: TEAM RIP Dominating IN BF4 NEED a few MORE !!! Post by: rip|Ripper on August 01, 2016, 01:16:32 PM cool be on mon,wed,fri 730 eastern in teamspeak